The #1 Thing That Determines if You Will Get Results from a Marketing Agency

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: most med spa marketing agencies are exactly the same.

There’s not one that’s actually ‘better’ than the other.

They’re literal carbon copies of each other (just like the ads they run).

They use the same strategy, the same software, the same zoom calls and sales tactics... and they will likely generate the same underwhelming results for you, too.

And it’s precisely why there is so much hopping around, from agency to agency, and general dissatisfaction within the industry.

It’s not uncommon for our clients to have had 3-4+ agencies before hiring us.

There is, however, one thing that actually DOES make a difference for a marketing agency.

And the key thing to remember is — 

It’s not WHAT they do… but HOW they do it.

How do they structure their business, their team, and their values?

👉🏼Do they have a small, manageable number of clients?  
👉🏼Do they run customized ads for your clinic? 
👉🏼Are the owners working on your account? 
👉🏼Do they provide stellar customer support? 
👉🏼Are they proactive and fix your ads if you're not getting results?

Because these are the levers that make the BIGGEST difference inside a marketing agency.

 ✅Smaller = more time to devote to your account 
 ✅Custom Ads = stand out against the competition 
 ✅Owners involved = expert eyes on your account 
 ✅Proactive = time to really monitor your account daily

All of these = BETTER RESULTS.

They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  

So why not try something different?

💕 Boutique.
💕 Women-run.
 💕Capped client list.
 💕Aesthetic evangelists.

We’re literally your ideal client who just happens to be obsessed with digital marketing. 

If you’re ready for something different, we’d love to meet you and hear your story.

We have a few spots open now (we cap out at 20 clients :)

Click below to book a call with us if all this speaks to you.



Is Hiring a Marketing Agency Worth It?